Mladen Draganović portrait

Mladen Draganović

🛠 Software Engineer & Product Designer 🎓 BSc in Information Technology 📚 Psychology, Philosophy & Politics Any time is coffee time!

Holding a meter long pizza in a box on a street. Sleeping on a chair in a furniture store.

    A desktop application for working with 2D graphics using Java Swing. The application support MVC pattern as well as common design patterns.

    A microservices-based Java application for managing 'fiat' and 'crypto' currencies. It supports user roles, and handling financial transactions and conversions.

    Day32 is a calendar app built with Flutter. It supports syncing with Google Calendar and the creation of public events hosted on Google Firebase.

    Taxiis is a taxi service system built with Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, and Express.js. It integrates Bing Maps API for maps and location services, data is stored in a MongoDB database.


  • Action logo

    Integration Developer

    Action (10 months)

  • Devoteam logo

    Integration Consultant

    Devoteam (1 year, 7 months)

  • Delivero logo

    Quality Assurance Engineer

    Delivero (6 months)


  • Faculty of Technical Sciences

    University of Novi Sad, Serbia

    Bachelor's degree in Information Technology